PM Kisan Online Corrections 2022 PM Kisan Online corrections | pm kisan status check | status check | Apply online for Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana | pmkisan | pm kisan online application |
PM Kisan Online corrections:- The Modi government has started the world’s biggest scheme PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana in the interest of farmers. Under the scheme run by the government, small and marginal farmers are provided financial assistance of ₹ 6000 per year in the account of farmers by the government. An amount of ₹ 2000 is given.
According to the government data available, 70000 such farmers are getting the benefits of PM Kisan Yojana, who are not eligible under this scheme, so the government will get the information related to withdraw the money from these farmers through village-to-village posters through Lekhpal. Pasting information from
So that by the persons found ineligible, the entire amount of PM Kisan Online corrections will be deposited back in the account of the government. If the eligible beneficiaries of PM Kisan Yojana do not do this, then they will be punished by the government.
PM Kisan Status Check 2022
PM Kisan Online corrections:- Through this article of today, such farmer brothers who have not received any benefit under PM Kisan Yojana, they are making some mistakes while filling the application form, how will they rectify those mistakes such as account number in bank account details Information related to how to rectify any mistake made in or in IFSC code or in Aadhar card or in address is provided.
Apart from this, all the information related to amending the PMKisan application form has been made available in this post due to the closure of the farmer’s bank account or in case of any error in the documents related to the land. PM Kisan Online corrections
PM Kisan Online corrections Start 2022: Name, AC, Full Update -Overview
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme 2022 | |
✔️Post of Scheme | Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) |
✔️Scheme Type | Central Government Scheme |
✔️Official Website | |
✔️Ministry | Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare |
✔️PM Kisan Online corrections Department | Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare |
✔️Implemented By | Piyush Goyal (Interim Finance Minister) |
✔️Effective from | 1st December 2018 |
✔️Date of launch | 24th February, 2019 |
✔️Revision of Scheme | 1st June 2019 |
✔️Announcement Date | 1st February 2019 |
✔️Category | Central Government Scheme, Sarkari Yojana |
✔️PM Kisan Online corrections Benefits | Rs. 6000 Given in 3 installments of 2000 each |
✔️Launched in | India |
✔️Target beneficiaries | Small and marginal farmers |
✔️Mode of Application | Online (Through CSC) |
✔️First Installment date | 1/12/2018 to 31/3/2019 |
✔️PM-Kisan Helpline No. | 155261 / 1800115526 (Toll Free) |
PM Kisan Online corrections:- Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana Initial application for PM Kisan Yojana Application forms of PM Kisan Yojana were accepted through offline by the officials of Agriculture Department or by the Lekhpal working in rural area but with time changed and PM Kisan The registration of the scheme has started through online.
Since then, ineligible persons also started registering themselves in this scheme, by the way, if you also want to apply in PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana through online, then you can register yourself by visiting the official website or the nearest Common Service Center. Registration of PM Kisan can be done through
See how you yourself will apply online in PM Kisan Yojana, the following process is available below : – PM Kisan Online corrections
- he beneficiary will have to visit the official web portal of PM Kisan,
- The home page of the official website will appear in front of the applying farmer.
- Where you have to click on the option of Farmer Corner.
- Now the option of doing New PM Kisan Registration will appear in front of the farmer as you can see below.
- Now the beneficiary farmer brothers have to fill their Aadhar card number and captcha code entered below.
- Now select the submit option to go to the next step and proceed.
- PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana Registration Form will appear on your mobile or computer screen in front of the applicant.
- Where the farmer will have to fill his land Khasra Khatauni and bank account details and related information of Aadhar card and address in the given application form.
- In the next step, the PM Kisan beneficiary must check all the information once, otherwise problems may arise in making amendments later.
- Submit the form to finalize the application form in PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana.
- The person applying here has to pay some rupees from his account through online.
- You can approach the nearest Customer Service Center Common Service Center to fill the online application form.
- PM Kisan Online corrections, Once the application is completed, the scrutiny of the application form is done by the accountant and the officers associated with the agriculture sector.
- After the completion of the survey process of all types of PM Kisan Yojana application forms, the first installment of ₹ 2000 is sent to the bank account of the beneficiary farmer.
All such beneficiaries of PM Kisan Yojana who had registered themselves under Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana and have not received their money yet, then how will they check the online status of PM Kisan Online corrections, for related information, must see the information entered below once, otherwise after In this, information has also been made available to make corrections after any kind of error in the application form. PM Kisan Online corrections
Pm Kisan online status check 2022
To follow all the information with the marriage under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, see the following steps below:- PM Kisan Online corrections
step to check pm Kisan status
- First of all, the beneficiary farmer has to visit the official portal of PM Kisan,
- After accessing the portal, you will see the option of Farmer Reasons in About New, click on it and proceed.
- A new page will appear in front of the beneficiary farmer where he can check the status by account number or aadhar number or mobile number entered in the application form.
- Fill the details from any 1 option and click on Get Data link. PM Kisan Online corrections
- All the details related to the application form of PM Kisan beneficiary will appear on the screen.
- Under PM Kisan Yojana, what kind of problem or error is visible in your application form, you can get information about it from the officials of the Agriculture Department.
- Or due to any such technical glitch in your application form, you can also get these problems resolved by visiting the nearest Common Service Center.
Caution: – After ascertaining the status, all the information related to the payment of installments sent under the PM Kisan Yojana under the Central Government is shown, see carefully.
Such persons who are ineligible, do not forget to submit their online application form.
To find out the status of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, check the status of on this portal.
PM Kisan Online corrections:- If you have seen all the information mentioned above and have found out the status of your application form and got the information about your problems then how to solve these problems refer the following information given below :-
If the name of the beneficiary farmer under PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana is wrong, your name is different, the name in the Aadhar card, the name in the bank account or your mobile number, account number or IFSC code is wrong, then you can contact your village accountant or agriculture office or nodal officer. By contacting, you can give the application form for its related improvement, after that can check the status again. PM Kisan Online corrections,
PM KISAN NAME UPDATE – PM Kisan Online corrections
Such farmer beneficiary brothers, in the event of a mistake in their name while applying in PM Kisan Yojana, how will they amend their name, see the following information related to it is recorded below:- PM Kisan Online corrections
PM KISAN NAME UPDATE STEP 2022- PM Kisan Online corrections
- First of all, the beneficiary reached PM Kisan’s website and click on Farmer Corner option in the new bar present in the portal.
- Where the beneficiary farmer has to fill his Aadhar card number in the given box and fill the captcha code given below.
- Click on the submit option below and proceed. status check.
- All the details of PM Kisan Online corrections beneficiary will appear on the screen as soon as you click on the search option entered on the official web portal.
- Here the farmers match their Khasra Khatauni and the name entered in the Aadhar card and the application form difference name once.
- After the error in the name, fill the name in the application form according to the name available in Aadhar card and Khasra Khatauni.
- Submit it in the evening after the amendment in PM Kisan Yojana is done.
- A one time password will be sent to the mobile number linked in the Aadhaar card of the farmer.
- Which is sought during the PM KISAN NAME UPDATE process for committing infidelity.
- In this way, the beneficiary farmers will be able to amend their names in the application form under PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. status check, PM Kisan Online corrections,
FAQs? :- PM Kisan Online corrections
How to Check PM Kisan Beneficiary Payment Status?
PM Kisan Online corrections:- To get information related to the status and payment of Lagati Kisan Yojana, there is an official web portal or you can contact the nearest Agriculture Nodal Officer. PM Kisan Online corrections
How to apply in Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana?
To apply under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, the farmer has to register himself at the nearest Customer Service Center or PM
How can beneficiary farmer check eligibility?
To check the eligibility in PM Kisan Yojana, farmers corner option has to be selected in the menu bar list given in the official web portal where the new PM Kisan application link has to be clicked.
How to do name modification in PM Kisan Yojana?
For this, the applicant has to go to the PM Kisan panel and select the Farmers Corner option entered in the menu bar, from where you can amend the name in PM Kisan Yojana. PM Kisan Online corrections
When will the 12th installment of PM Kisan Yojana come in the account?
PM Kisan Online corrections:- The 12th installment of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana is expected to come soon in May through the official web portal.
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